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Dr. Adam’s Book of Bitters (Signed & Personalised Copy)



About: Launched worldwide on October 10th 2017, a limited number of signed and personalised copies of Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Book of Bitters are being made exclusively available at The House of Botanicals in Aberdeen and through this weblink, making for an ideal gift for bartenders and drink enthusiasts alike.

Following your purchase we will reach out directly to yourselves in relation to the personalisation.

Title: Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Book of Bitters
Publisher: Dog ‘n’ Bone Books (www.rylandpeters.com)
Binding: Hardcover
Total Pages: 160
Publication Date: 10th October 2017
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1909313947
ISBN-13: 978-1909313941

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